Tuesday, May 29, 2007

the similarities and differences between football and cricket.

The differences between Cricket and football are:

1. Cricket uses a bat,
2. In cricket you hit a ball to score runs, when in football you kick a ball to score points,
3. They both have different rules,
4. In cricket you can get out but in football you cant.

The similarities between cricket and football are:

1. They both use a ball,
2. They both are team sports,
3. They both have theme songs.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How to get to your favourite place.

The way to get to your favourite place, is to find a favourite place, a good example is a footy field, so the way to get to your favourite place is to:

1.Find your favourite place.

2.Is to remember the way there/ to your favourite place.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


My favourite pet is my cat Minty.

Minty is a beautiful tortoise shell, she is around 8 months old now, she loves playing, eating, sleeping and especially purring. She is very charming because she has a ginger strike going down her nose.
The main reason i love my pet cat minty is because every night she jumps up onto my bed and hopes in her bed that my grandma got her, and purrs her self and i off to sleep.
i would have to admit that Minty is a little overweight but lately she seems to be loosing it, witch is good news. I hope Minty lives a long life maybe 13-17 years hopefully because i love her lots.